Sunday, July 8, 2007

Blogging from the road

Now I'm on the road in san diego. The weather is fab. We're waiting for a table at the broken yolk so tried out google reader on the new blackberry. Its really cool. Its superfast in 1x evdo and really easy to read. Google detects what device I'm using and displays the pages accordingly.

A really good article about a study on the growth of digital video popped up on the Techcrunch feed. It shows some great charts illustrating the growth of streaming video use and social netwoking. According to the study 1 in 5 adults have visited a social networking site. I figure this would be a good article to test Blogger's mark up abilities in email posting. So first I'll paste the link in plaintext to see if blogger converts it and then with markup to see if it translates.

<a href="">Techcrunch</a>

Now how do I add labels?

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