Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton. Show all posts

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton on SNL...sorta

Watch Tina Fey and Amy Poehler as Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton on last night's season premier of Saturday Night Live. The two women address sexism in the campaigns. Its hilarious...check it:

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Is It In Yet?


CNN: BREAKING NEWS: Hillary Clinton is willing to take the vice presidential slot on a Barack Obama presidential ticket, New York lawmakers tell CNN.

AP: Clinton says she's open to being Obama's VP

AP: AP tally: Obama effectively clinches nomination

POLITICO: Obama readies for nod while Clinton eyes exit

REUTERS: Clinton campaign says not conceding as race nears end

Oh and now, ladies and gentlemen, my bigoted mother-and-law:

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Hillary Clinton on SNL...sorta

The interweb's tube-matrix of magic is the broadcaster to the world and we all get to benefit from its coverage. So, if any of you political junkies out there are like me and continually miss SNL (partially cause its not that funny anymore - side note: don't we all yearn for the bygone eras of Farley/Belushi/Martin ... Hartman/Sandler/Ferrell etc. - and partially cause we have weekend lives), here's the sketch on Hillary Clinton that everyone's talking about. Its quite daft, in a good way. Check it:

I love how SNL just calls HRC out. ha.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Witty, right?
That's basically all I got. Oh, I have an Ambien hangover too, but that's it.

Friday, May 2, 2008

The Empire Strikes Barack

This is sweet. Star Wars meets the 2008 Democratic Primary Election. Barack and Hillary, Skywalker and Vader. It was created a few months ago but only recently is beginning to get some visibility. This abnormally long, 15 month campaign apparently offers people enough time and material to create hybrid movies about the election. Ha. Its a little insane, the duration of the campaigning, but this video is a cool byproduct of it all. Views have quintupled in the last 2 days and rightfully so...check it out:

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Hillary is soooo just like us!

Um, I can't help it, I'm posting the clip of Hillary attempting to get herself a cup of coffee. It's kinda awesome.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Red Phone is new Obama Girl

Hillary Clinton has released a new Red Phone video, this time going after John McCain for his policy of not wanting the government to bail out individuals who made poor personal investment choices. Does anyone else find it ironic that Hillary Clinton is hearkening back to anti-communist cold war imagery to promote her commitment to socialism? I mean I get it, the government shouldn't have promoted low income home ownership in the first place and you can't unring a bell and people will be stupid and greedy and buy things they can't afford nor understand and the government helped create this mess and should maybe help clean it up and yada yada yada... But if Hillary was president during the Enron implosion, would she have proposed bailing out individuals who put all their eggs in the Enron basket? I dunno. Sometimes I think things.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Hillary Clinton Remembers Bosnia

Hey remember that time that Bosnia was like completely wartorn? They were like totally messed up. Major shitfest. Amd Hillary Clinton was like the First Lady and she was all about the world and helping people and shit so she got on a crappy little plane and she flew to Bosnia to touch Indians and shit and it was like totally fucked cuz she landed in the middle of the war and had to like dodge sniper fire and basically run for her life and she was almost killed and it totally blew. Oh wait. My bad. that never actually happened. Not Bosnia, she went there. But when she got off the plane. It was all chill and she kissed babies and then she watched Cheryl Crowe rock out and eat EZ'Mac and stuff. Ya, here, take a look. It's on video:

Friday, March 14, 2008

Why Nobody Actually Gives A Shit About Jeremiah Wright

Last night, Marlowe Senior and I had an interesting discussion about Jeremiah Wright. He was saying that Barack Obama could always denounce and live down the false rumors of antisemitism and antiwhiteyism, but now that video of Jeremiah Wright has hit the mainstream media, the message and the visuals are too visceral to ever shake. I respectfully disagreed. And this is all moot because, as you all know, I think McCain will ultimately win, but it's worth talking about. The next time you have 45 minutes to have your mind blown, I suggest you watch FRONTLINE: Karl Rove - The Architect. It's amazing. And it explains the notion of THE BASE really well. And them godless Democrats have no Base. Obama doesn't have a Base. Neither does Hillary. All that said, McCain really doesn't either unless you count the Vets, but we'll talk about that when the Primaries are done. The point is, the Democrats have made it pretty clear that this is just a pissing contest. Whoever fills up a gallon jug labeled "change" first wins. Ideology need not apply. It's useful, but unnecessary. And let's not forget that at the end of the day we're still talking about Liberals. Liberals love the Palestinians. Liberals love Black plight. And Liberals will ultimately let Obama live down any connection to the lunatic featured in the below videos. So, here's Reverend Jeremiah Wright screaming about white America, Barack Obama as an underprivileged child, AmeriKKK (get it?), and evil Israel. Get it while it's hot, because in three weeks from now, I highly doubt anyone will recall Obama having an affiliation with this man.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Red Phone Wars Starring Hillary Clinton And Barack Obama







Friday, February 8, 2008

Super Confused

I haven't written since Super Tuesday. It's mostly because I'm super confused. The Republicans are easy. I continue to look dumb for my anti McCain tirades, but easy nonetheless. It's just the Democrats. Obama claims he won Super Tuesday. Clinton claims she won Super Tuesday. Headlines range from "Not-So-Super Tuesday" to "Who Won Super Tuesday" to "CNN Won Super Tuesday." WTF? NBC news is saying that Obama won by a measly two delegates, which would change nothing. CNN is reporting that Clinton won Super Tuesday by 23 delegates, larger margin but also relatively insignificant. And it gets wackier when you look at the overall numbers. MSNBC is giving Obama 861 delegates and Clinton 855. CNN is giving Clinton 1,033 and Obama 937, but it's asterisked to include pledged delegates and super delegates. Remind me again what the point of primaries are? Oh and the icing on the cake, shouldn't go without saying that declaring victors with 2% of precincts reporting is completely irresponsible? Frankly, I'm tired of sifting through the gobbledygook. Nor do I have the time.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Hillary Nutcracker

Hillary's got the reputation of being a ball buster, and all you GOP (or Democrats) out there who are fearful of her feminist ways can go buy this nifty lil' gift called the Hillary Nutcracker to help you cope with the idea of someday having a female president. She's got short hair, wears the pants in your relationship and wants to crush the crap out of yer fuzzy bean bag. Check out the site, buy don't.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Ted Nugent Hates Obama And Hillary, There's A Shock

I don't know what's scarier. Some redneck jumping around on stage with machine guns or the crowd of rednecks cheering him on. Below, Ted Nugent quite eloquently invites Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to suck on the tips of his machine guns. Ted Nugent equals class.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Hillary Clinton: First Iowa TV Ad?

It just broke on the wire this morning that Hillary Clinton will be running her first TV ad in Iowa. This video called Invisibles just wound up on YouTube and It's gotta be the first Iowa TV Spot.
Reasons why this has got to be the Iowa TV spot:
1. Cowboy hats.
2. Not a minority in sight.
3. No Kentucky Fried Hillary accent.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Poll: White Male Factor Helps White Male, John Edwards

Recent Rasmussen Reports polling shows that despite Hillary Clinton's lead in the Democratic Primary pack, she's behind John Edwards and Barack Obama in match-ups with Republicans. Today's poll puts Hillary Clinton neck and neck with Fred Thompson and Rudy Giuliani while a poll from last week puts John Edwards 11 points ahead against Fred Thompson and 7 points ahead against Rudy Giuliani. Even Barack Obama holds 6 point leads over both Rudy Giuliani and Fred Thompson, despite being a white male only in spirit. So when push comes to shove, is America ready for a female president, or just not Hillary?

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Polling Passions: 49% Of Voters Emotionally Resistant To Hillary Clinton In the White House, Survey Says

Choosing a Presidential candidate to vote for in the Primaries is not the easiest decision in the world. Personally, I look for various cues, and they're not all ideological. For instance, one of the most important questions I ask myself is, will I sleep well at night with this candidate in the White House? Well, Resonance Technologies and Flimp Media have developed an emotionally based survey system that attempts to get passed ideology and uncover voter passion. Press Release:
Using a unique neuroscience-based methodology that quantifies the genuine passionate emotions that motivate or inhibit voter behavior, Resonance Technologies and Flimp Media released the first of a series of RezTech VoterTrends™ surveys that measure voter passions and motivations for the leading presidential candidates.
Two national voter passion surveys were conducted in April and June via the internet to a pool of over 100,000 voters measuring voters’ emotional reaction to presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. In-depth survey data and nearly 1,000 specific voter comments were collected in response to the question:

What if Hillary Clinton is elected the next President of the United States? How would that make you feel?

A majority (51%) of the voters responded that they are “highly resistant” to the thought of Hillary Clinton as President while 28% responded that they would be “enthusiastic” about Hillary becoming President.
Resonance Technologies and Flimp Media have developed an incredibly breakthrough web application to showcase their results where, in addition to distribution graphs, you can actually view verbatim comments from respondents. Check out the Flimp Viewer microsite for the Hillary Clinton National Voter Passion Survey.
Future forward, there will be more RezTech VoterTrends passion surveys covering other presidential candidates. As of now, we can look forward to Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney.

Resonance Technologies and Flimp Media are "apolitical and do not support or receive funds from any of the candidates running for President." For more information about the companies, check out and

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Post CNN-YouTube Debate Poll: Hillary Clinton Nearly 2-1 Favorite

In the most recent Poll following the Cnn-YouTube Democratic debate, a Wall Street Journal/NBC news poll is showing Hillary Clinton's numbers climbing and Barack Obama's numbers falling.
via Reuters:
Forty-three percent of Democratic respondents said they preferred the New York senator and former first lady over other Democratic candidates in the 2008 contest, up from 39 percent in June, the poll showed.

That put Clinton even farther ahead of chief rival Obama, the Illinois senator who slipped from 25 percent in the June poll to 22 percent in July. Clinton and Obama have sparred in recent weeks, trading accusations last week over foreign policy positions.

The poll surveyed 1,005 adults from Friday to Sunday and had a margin of error of 3.1 percentage points.

Those polled cited Clinton's experience and competence highest among her positive attributes.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Five Creative Internet Campaign Tactics

YouTube, MySpace, Facebook, blogs, we've been there, done that. Now, let's take a look at some of the more unique techie tactics to which candidates have taken.

First, There's text messaging updates. Hillary Clinton, John Edwards and Barack Obama all have little fields on their websites that either allow you to enter your cellphone number or tell you where to send a message. Complete the step and you'll start getting SMS text message campaign updates. Regardless of how useful the updates are, it's always fun to go to Hillary Clinton's page and enter a co-worker's cell phone number as a practical joke.

Next, let's talk about the Ron Paul. There's a link on his homepage to Digg. Why? Cuz his supporters are the craziest Diggers ever. They'll click on anything if you tell them it'll help get Ron Paul some network media attention. 7000 Diggs to support Ron Paul getting on the Daily Show? It sounds a little like spam to me. But the Digg guys know better than to take it down cuz Ron Paul rEVOLutionaries would burn the Digg headquarters to the ground.

Next up is Barack Obama's very own Social Network built right into his website. It's an ambitious effort, but when you have the type of support that he has on MySpace, Youtube and Facebook, it's just redundant and excessive.

Now, Rudy Giuliani's got a weird one. As a fundraising tactic, Rudy wants you to start a baseball team. Go online, register a team of nine players. Each player donates $25 to Rudy. Do that, and you'll get you're very own Rudy Giuliani pennant! If your team raises $2008 you get your very own SIGNED Rudy trading card! And $5000? Get read for this one. You get your very own Rudy Giuliani signed Baseball! Yeah!

Last up is EONS. Eons is a social network for OLD people like babyboomers. So far I've found Hillary Clinton and John Edwards on there. Hillary Clinton even links to her Eons profile from her site. But it doesn't seem all that effective. Neither candidate has more than a handful of "Eons friends." It just goes to show how effective the web is with young people. So I hope the candidates keep up the creative web marketing and look forward to getting messages from Ron Paul on Pownce.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Hillary Clinton and John Edwards Video: Secret Discussion of Cutting Other Candidates From Future Debates

Hillary Clinton and John Edwards were caught on an open microphone by Fox News discussing limiting future debates to include fewer candidates.

On the podium with microphones still picking up ambient noise, Edwards is heard saying "We should try to have a more serious and a smaller group."
To which Clinton agrees, saying, "We've got to cut the number" and "they're not serious."

This is sure to enrage the lesser known candidates that have thus far proved to have equally solid messages and campaigns, who will increasingly find it harder to find the platforms to showcase them - especially if Clinton and Edwards have their way.

*By the way, the latest Rasmussen Report shows Edwards running at %13 percent compared to that of Clinton %38 and Obama 26%. Edwards himself is hangin on the fringe, if he isn't careful, he's gonna be talking about gettin' rid of himself.

Watch this video, it occurs about 60 seconds in:

Friday, July 6, 2007

Crush On Obama So Two Weeks Ago

This week, it's all hot for Hillary. Super hot model Taryn Southern is the star and WRITER! of Hott4Hill, a music video spoofing that Crush On Obama thing that's sooo two weeks ago.

According toTaryn Southern's Hott 4 Hill blog, she's been getting a great deal of feedback. Today they released the following statement:

via Hott 4 Hill:

Hi everyone!

I am so happy with the immediate response to the video. I've gotten hundreds of emails - from fans, detractors, you name it. Some people love it, some people hate it. That's comedy for you.

Just to clear up a few things, however:

1. Yes, the video IS a parody of the Obama-Girl video. I thought Obama-Girl was brilliant, so I decided to write a parody video using the only FEMALE candidate.

2. My 1st blog ("Letter to My Fellow Americans") was written tongue-in-cheek! While I do keep up on politics, I do not claim to have any serious political credentials. I only seek to entertain. =)

3. The kids - yes, the kids and their parents were all aware of the video content. Just like any other PG-13 movie, TV show, or web video with sexual innuendos, child actors and their folks are always aware of the content before they sign on. Working with all the kids was my favorite part about making the video!

Secondly, I want to say thank-you to all of the publications who have mentioned us!

We even had a german website talk about us! I have no idea what is says, but I'm still thrilled!