Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Post CNN-YouTube Debate Poll: Hillary Clinton Nearly 2-1 Favorite

In the most recent Poll following the Cnn-YouTube Democratic debate, a Wall Street Journal/NBC news poll is showing Hillary Clinton's numbers climbing and Barack Obama's numbers falling.
via Reuters:
Forty-three percent of Democratic respondents said they preferred the New York senator and former first lady over other Democratic candidates in the 2008 contest, up from 39 percent in June, the poll showed.

That put Clinton even farther ahead of chief rival Obama, the Illinois senator who slipped from 25 percent in the June poll to 22 percent in July. Clinton and Obama have sparred in recent weeks, trading accusations last week over foreign policy positions.

The poll surveyed 1,005 adults from Friday to Sunday and had a margin of error of 3.1 percentage points.

Those polled cited Clinton's experience and competence highest among her positive attributes.


Anonymous said...

Hillary Clinton completely contradicted her earlier position on diplomacy in order to score a cheap shot in the debate:

Anonymous said...

Yes she did A...that's because she is just like all the other "traditional" talk out of both sides of your mouth politicians 'in order to get ahead' (cheap shot maybe ~ but she is spending plenty to do this kind of thing) surprise. Polls aren't the end all for sure....