But alas... inevitably there are positives (campaign finance reform) and negatives (Keating Five) to everyone and we must be sure to evaluate ALL the aspects of our Presidential candidates. Thus, I feel obligated to post this clip of McCain blatantly contradicting himself on multiple issues, multiple times A) cause its part of learning about him as an informed voter and B) cause I think its funny when people get called out on shit they say. I mean, hey, if someone followed me around with a camera 24/7, I'd look like an idiot every once in awhile too.
So.. enjoy the clip brought to you by The Real McCain - they claim to have garnered nearly 2 million views with their videos, which, I guess I believe since this video which is only 2 days old and has already clocked 700,000 views. Check it out:
*Side note: I don't hold it against McCain that his middle name is Sidney or that he wasn't actually born in the United States (answer: Panama, August 29th, 1936).